Monday, February 28, 2011

Green IT

The idea of Green IT, or Green Computing, seems to be a bit of a misnomer due to the obvious fact that computers need electricity to run. However, when looking at the goals of Green IT, it becomes a bit more clear: reduction in the use of harmful materials, maximize energy efficiency during the product's lifetime, and promote recyclability. Regarding the first item, Apple has taken steps to elimination many of the harmful materials they once used in the production of their laptops ( in trying to go Green. As far as reducing the amount of harmful materials that go into making these products, we as consumers don't have too much control over; but the second two items we do. Maximizing energy efficiency during a product's lifetime means not leaving your computer on when you're not using it, and might imply that you continue using your computer until it dies (though, that's not feasible in many cases). Also, promoting recylability is something that we as consumers can do. Get in the habit of recycling any items that can be recycled (aluminum cans, glass bottles, cardboard, paper, etc). Even if your community doesn't offer a recycling service, take your items to the nearest recycling facility.

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